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new english book( hwar ala'dyan wmzaa'm albhtan wknouz ala'hdan Icon_minitimeالسبت مايو 30, 2009 11:48 am من طرف باسم

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 new english book( hwar ala'dyan wmzaa'm albhtan wknouz ala'hdan

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عدد الرسائل : 360
العمر : 30
السٌّمعَة : 0
نقاط : 789
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/03/2009

new english book( hwar ala'dyan wmzaa'm albhtan wknouz ala'hdan Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: new english book( hwar ala'dyan wmzaa'm albhtan wknouz ala'hdan   new english book( hwar ala'dyan wmzaa'm albhtan wknouz ala'hdan Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء مارس 24, 2009 7:33 pm

new english book( hwar ala'dyan wmzaa'm albhtan wknouz ala'hdan 789999725
Hwar ala'dyan wmzaa'm albhtan wknouz ala'hdan

Author : Mahmoud Afify

Publisher: center for book publishing

Language : English


Book and the dialogue of religions and treasure falsehoods peddled allegations Covenants

Filing No. 2384/2007 Egyptian Book House
International Numbering I.S.B.N 5-387-294-977

The first book of a series of interrelations dialogue to respond to allegations of perjury and falsehoods.

Author Dr. / Mahmoud Afify

The response to the novel (Tess attributed the firm in Mecca) to the father of a Utah
Recently joined the father of one of Utah to the fragmentation in the wrong column of the authors and writers from the People of the Book who fought in the presentation of Islam and the Prophet of Islam Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him was indecent assault Authors polite conversation and introduced the incarnate God of the Koran Koran the Word of God has been the mobilization of the old Senior Father Utah mankind and the jinn demons to facilitate the formation of a novel attributed the firm in Mecca and his associates believing they are destroying Islam and the Prophet of Islam and the belief that they obtain from the Koran and all that they have forgotten, and they would always destroy Christithm of Christ peace be upon him, and even violate the teachings of all the doctrines, the wills of their Scripture, and travel to this sacred and joined the Utah and his associates, who were presented to them written the first of CHAIN of interrelations dialogue.

So, my father and Utah Tabaik Onbikm you have Khosrtm world and religion and the afterlife will not forgive you in this world nor in the Hereafter, because you have waged and Jdvtm on the Holy Spirit, speaking in Christ, peace be upon him Muhammad peace be upon him, saying he was Comforter and the Spirit of truth You all know that the spirit Jerusalem is telling the speaker in Christ peace be upon him, said of the Koran (not speak of himself but all hear say) So, my father and Utah Tabaik Taathaloua was my hope that the courage and the ability to confront and to write the real name you Tolivkm placebo false (Tess Zell attributed in Mecca) but rather weak or cowardly and wrote the name of an alias for your information Your own version to the full and Oahmp these aliases and fabricated Tabaik everything and even the clergy in the church you say you are not an imaginary person and no one by that name alias, just like the illusion and the shame which was developed and written Bidik to the head of Christ, peace be upon him and all the prophets Ktabkm Holy Messiah, peace be upon them and say you said about Muhammad peace be upon him that the Comforter and the Spirit of truth, and God the Holy Spirit has been endorsed by all the say and hear what the Prophet, peace be upon him, Daniel says he is, who lives in the light of God and all prophets of the Bible and preached by the prophets of him, as evidenced by you written in the first of a series of interreligious dialogue, how come my father Utah Suggestions and paste these qualities Ldermimp claims by all these false allegations and that Allah has sent down by the Sultan, and even questioned my father in the proportions of Utah Mohammed Sharif Valbir Exudes including you, you, the author of it is false the evil treasure of your heart and talking Twlfon and as you are told you Jesus, peace and this is not new to you, kill the sons of the prophets said you and you and your fathers and Ojaddadkm Isa peace be upon him, and I assure you, the father of Utah and Tabaik that the answer to every Mazzamk and Adeaouatk Your own version of the suspicious Almkdhubp (Zell attributed Tess ) will find it in my first book of a series of interreligious dialogue, which you and like you Ahidih authors and writers from the People of the Book of the start of the great Mohammedan mission through the end of this Day to the day terrible doomsday and whatever you say and You will tell you the authors and writers Alhakdon you will find the answer in my first book in the rest of the series Oh, you're the father of Utah and in the proportions of Tabaik Bcecchekk Mustafa Mohamed peace be upon him had Jdvt the Holy Spirit, who revealed to the Gospel of Jesus, peace be upon him, and therefore will not forgive you in this world nor in the Hereafter, as you said Issa Ali blasphemy written on the Holy Spirit, peace be upon him, as well as the accused Nbekm Isa, peace be upon him commit and lying as you have completed the Gospel of John in Isahaha the first verses of 1 to 20 of the St. John the Baptist, peace be upon him and thus has completed the John the Baptist and Jesus peace be upon them, my true father Utah polite and his associates if Tmantm Ktabkm in the Bible calls for most of its verses apply to the Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, you have to study the holy book and all Tabaik Ktabkm depth in the Bible many times, even learned how heinous act, the viciousness of the novel (Zell attributed facilitate) the right of the Bible and all the prophets and messengers of His signs, and all his travels and all of you Isahahath and the perusal of the verses of 1 to 20 in the sanitation of the Gospel of John I are sufficient testimony to you and your condemnation of full condemnation and even easier on you Read these verses and wrote about it and interpreting it in my book, the first of a series of interreligious dialogue was the better of you as a religion of the father of Utah and the most important and that the plaintiff does not extend the good work your evil Fberwightk alleged imaginary (Tess attributed the firm in Mecca) has simplified the evil hands of God and even explicitly Palmasi sins and God says to you and those like you are on your way from the authors and writers in the Book of Isaiah 1:15 (until Astor Tbston your hands and face, and you do not hear the prayer Okthertm your hands full of blood) and my father, you now only Utah pray to God that you forgive Zlatk, but how you pray to God and the owner of these brazen lie low? but you claim a religion of the fathers of the Church PHUA Alas? have told you that Matthew 14:23 (and perhaps prayers asking) how can God accept your prayers my father a traitor, Utah, and you to Christ, peace be upon him and all the prophets of the Bible Brwightk on the imaginary and the alleged prophet Mohammed peace be upon him Comforter and the Spirit of truth? and how to address God Brog contaminated impure? And how it relates to your despicable wrong in God Almighty? And how you open the doors of heaven have Glguetha yourself and Brwightk alleged Habib Muhammad peace be upon him? And how God expects you to accept any action or prayer or a prayer I've had in the presentation of the Prophet and his presentation of the Word of God in the old Koran in the open senior Islam is a religion of the eternal God?

Fballah how you relate to yourself, your body and the spirit of God and you are a traitor and guilty of Asi, and he's the liar, but God Almighty, how superior you are a traitor and soul to God and Jesus, peace be upon him and the Holy Spirit, peace be upon him? Forgot how the words of the saints to pray and be closer to God (in heaven they are too self into self - to the sky) So I forgot the words of St. John Alosiouti of pure prayer (as the death of the world and existence) and how to forget the words of St. Isaac of proximity to God and prayer (if they stood to pray as one who is in front of the flames of a fire) Vasalap and proximity to God is the Word of God and is told God as the prophets said Ibrahim Abu al-Tech in 27:18 (I know that may be Akelm); Fballah the Lord spoke to you how my father and all Tabaik, Utah? And in Jesus Christ, peace be upon him how to stand before the Lord, O father of Utah after the heinous heinous Fltkm (Tess Zell attributed in Mecca) Khcoek not forget that God means reverence, body and spirit, how Tkhca prey to God and your body and Kalak Asi O God, the father of Utah Bektapetk this lie impure and contaminated the blood of prophets, the messengers Ktabkm in the Bible and who preached all Npina Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, what you write before you by the evil treasure of your heart, you authors and writers and you are the father of Utah with you, man of religion? You may solution faces disgrace and shame on you, Daniel also said peace in da 7:9-9 (you, Mr. Land Fajzi us the way we would be wrong for you; you Tmrdna) was Osabkm shame, shame, Tmrdtm to God, the father of Utah and Tabaik to God that you are mistaken and Ttaultm on the union Nabeeh Mustafa Muhammad, the
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